Tuesday, October 27, 2009

R.I.P. Easy Bake 2.0

Well, that didn't last long. Last night Gene was toasting some tortillas for our dinner and I heard a very loud, "Sh#t, Sh#t, Sh#t" coming from the kitchen. I rush in, immediately thinking he had chopped off a finger or maimed himself when I saw our beloved new easy bake engulfed in flames. Okay, maybe this part was a slight exaggeration, but the easy bake was definitely flame-filled and our poor tortillas were reduced to ash. As I stood there trying to comprehend exactly what was going on, Gene said, "Open the balcony door, quickly!" He carried the exploding oven to the porch and I just kept thinking, I'm not sure if this is a smart idea.. Anyways, after a few intense seconds the fire was extinguished and the apartment complex did not go up in flames, whew. As we walked back in to the apartment Gene asked, "Can I have my old oven back? It never did that." So, we're back to using the grease-covered easy bake of old. However, this incident made me grateful that I bought way too much renter's insurance. You never know when you're easy bake is going to explode..

Friday, October 23, 2009

Casa de Case

In addition to attending a top ranked social work program, moving back to Austin also means moving back to my condo. I have lived, cumulatively, about 2 months in the place since my parents bought it almost 2 years ago. I'm starting to get super pumped and I need decorating tips. It's one big room and I need to figure out a way to divide it up effectively and most importantly, cheaply. I'm thinking book cases on either side of the wall to separate the kitchen/dining from the living room. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who cares about this, but I'd like to pretend this blog is interactive so if you have ideas let me know. Also, I'm thinking of curtains to block off the bed. The living room is the space right in front of the windows.. hard to tell from the pics.

No longer a Texas Ex

Exciting update! I received news that I got accepted to the University of Texas Graduate School 'o Social Work this week. WOOHOO. And by "received news" I mean that I got a cryptic e-mail from the financial aid office that said they were beginning to process my FAFSA. This seemed odd because I just got an e-mail from them saying that they could not process my financial aid until I was accepted in to the program. I started getting excited because I thought maybe this meant I got accepted so after a LOT of digging on the Texas site I found out I was accepted. Seems a little odd since I received a status update e-mail every time something changed in my application (letter of reference was received, transcript issues) so you would think that they'd send me an e-mail saying p.s. you got in. Whatever, I'm thrilled regardless. The program starts in January so I will be Austin bound in no time. It's a little bittersweet to be leaving Denver, mainly because Gene isn't thrilled to be moving to Austin but it's going to be a nice change. I'm really looking forward to no longer being a Texas Ex and starting (another) grad school. I'm also excited about the football. Really excited about the football. WOOHOO.

Monday, October 19, 2009

$40 oil change != $400 bill

I took my car in to the shop today to get the tires rotated and my oil changed. I had a panic on Friday when I couldn't remember the last time it had been to the shop. Oops. Any-who, when I took it in of course I couldn't just get a simple oil change and be on my way. Of course not! Apparently, I had 2 large bubbles in my snow tires (note: not meant to be driven all year long, I'm just that poor) which required that I get two new tires. I was pretty sure they were trying to rip me off until he brought them in for me to see and there they were, two big dents in my tires, which according to the shop man, "Isn't good." So, with few options other than replace the tires or buy 4 new but maybe cheaper tires I bought the damn tires. $300 for two tires. Dammit. I also had to pay for the oil change and the labor on the two tires (um, if you are rotating the tires, don't they all have to come off any ways? Apparently not). All in all a very expensive Monday. As a result, I am pinching pennies for the next two weeks. It's going to be a long two weeks. Grr. Guess this should teach me to take my car in regularly and not drive around on snow tires the entire year but it probably won't...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Let the trash talking begin (or just get a little louder).

There are few things in life I love more than my wonderful Texas Longhorns. Queso, fajitas, and puppies notwithstanding. Any-who, it's that magical time of year again, time for the Red River Shootout. Now, it may come as no surprise to you that I utterly despise all things Oklahoma. It was a point of pride that I had never actually entered the state on my own free will (I can't be blamed for my parents' poor decisions) until this last year. I only broke my boycott when a dear friend and co-worker needed a ride home from West Virginia to Tulsa (bless her heart). It was just as craptastic as I imagined. Whoever said Norman was the nice part of Oklahoma must have very low standards.

As the excitement for the Red River Shootout continues, here is one VERY lame joke. All of the funny ones were not appropriate..Hook 'EM!

***Q: How do we know that the tooth brush was invented in Oklahoma?

A: Anywhere else, it would have been called a "teeth brush".

P.S. The poster says Reality: Realizing that win or lose, you live in Oklahoma. :-)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

An Ode to The Brave Little Toaster

So, while I was Facebook slacking this morning, I came across a post about one of my favorite childhood movies, The Brave Little Toaster. To my surprise, after taking a quick snap-poll of my friends, I realized that most people I knew had not seen this movie. WHAT?! It's a seriously cute movie, with somewhat dark, foreboding undertones about advances in technology, but whatever, it is a damn cute movie. It all centers around a toaster, "Toaster," a lamp, "Lampy," an electronic blanket and my personal favorite, "Blanky," "Radio" (I think you get the idea), and a grumpy vacuum cleaner "Kirby." They all set out on an adventure to find their owner after they are forgotten in a house that has been put up for sale. A lot of adventures ensue along the way and it is a very entertaining movie. I don't want to spoil it because if you haven't seen it you really should. All I will say is that my love for this movie as a child might have something to do with why I have a hard time throwing things away..

Another favorite? Return to Oz. Who could ever forget the Wheelers? The Wheelers still scare the heck out of me today; they are evil characters with wheels for hands and feet, this movie's version of flying monkeys. This is a MUCH darker movie than the Wizard of Oz and much more similar to the books, even though it's a combination of Ozma of Oz and the Marvelous Land of Oz. No ruby slippers (in the book they were silver slippers, bummer) in this version. Instead there's a mental hospital, Jack Pumpkinhead, and a taxidermied moose head strapped to a couch. A strange but really enjoyable movie.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Lots of Football and a Swanky Wedding..

This weekend was quite exciting. First, I was supposed to attend a work conference in Evergreen on Saturday morning. However, when I ventured out in the freezing cold (it was about 18 degrees when I left) I should have guessed that this was not a smart decision. About 3 miles in to my trip I came across 5 different accidents, 3 roll-overs, and almost got smashed by a skidding SUV all within a stretch of about 1 1/2 miles. C-470 was fine until we came across a patch of black ice. Thank goodness for the apprehensive Prius in front of me that was driving about 30 when everyone else was driving 60. As we were all slowing down for yet another accident up the road, not the one that was right next to us with an overturned car and 3 cars off in the shoulder, I saw a SUV screaming down the shoulder towards all of the wreaked cars on the side of the road. He slammed in to one of the cars and spun out, very narrowly missing my rear bumper. I think everyone was okay but there were at least 5 accidents in a very short stretch of C-470. Luckily, when I called my boss to say I was going to be very late, C-470 was hardly moving at this point, she gave me the okay to turn around and head for home.

Following that morning adventure Gene and I headed out for a swanky wedding at St. Elizabeth of Hungary Catholic Church followed by a reception at the Denver Art Museum. After a last minute dress exchange, the dress I bought was appropriate for an October wedding in Austin NOT Colorado (old habits die hard), we headed downtown for a fun night of celebrating, dancing, and a little bit of drinking. :-) The church was absolutely gorgeous and it was a very nice abbreviated Catholic service. The bride, a friend of Gene's from work, looked gorgeous and I loved how all the groomsmen wore custom converse sneakers. Following the ceremony we headed to the Denver Art Museum for a very swanky reception, filled with good food and an awesome 80s cover band. My favorite part was when the bridesmaids/groomsmen all entered the reception hall by dancing down some very dramatic stairs. All in all it was a great night. Congrats to the happy couple!

Yesterday, we spent the day watching football with good friends. Always nice to see the Broncos doing well! And of course, Hook 'Em!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Squirrels, Squirrels, Squirrels!

Recently Gene and I moved in to a new apartment. It is a huge upgrade from the haunted house we lived in that had a kitchen so small you couldn't put the dishwasher door down and open the back door at the same time. The stove also tilted. In addition to this being a serious fire hazard (I'm pretty sure gas stoves aren't supposed to tilt) it made cooking very cumbersome. Any-who our new place is great, it has a washer/dryer, garbage disposal and even central air! Oh my. It is hard to move from a house with a backyard to a big box apartment but the amenities (or basic living requirements, however you look at it) have made it worth it. That is before the squirrels. That's right, squirrels. Rats with cuter outfits.

The second or third week we moved in we started hearing rustling noises above our bed. Let me be clear, not scurrying across the roof noises, but living behind the dry wall noises. There's a big difference. Anyways, it was weird and a little gross but I didn't mind it so much until last Friday night. As Gene says, "It sounded like they had a raging party and managed to fit themselves with teeny-tiny tap dancing shoes." It was bad. Really, really bad. They scurried around all night and at one point the leader, I presume, started barking. The barking was followed by incessant chirping for about an hour, I assume they were telling each other how to be as loud as freaking possible. It was so bad, after pounding on the ceiling at 3am (I'm sure the neighbors enjoyed that), Gene went to sleep on the couch. I didn't sleep all night.

So, the next morning in his sleepy stupor, Gene called and left an urgent message with the management explaining the tap dancing squirrels and his inability to sleep. We didn't hear back for a couple of days, and after their crazy Friday night feista the squirrels seemed to quiet down. After three days of no response, I called our super friendly (insert loads of sarcasm) management staff and inquired about the status of the squirrel relocation or eradication program. The woman replied, while hanging up the phone, "Terminex is on it." Great, Terminex is on the case.

We came home last night to a note from a Terminex technician informing us that "after thorough inspection of the attic there are no rodents present." He later went on, I think rather mockingly, to suggest that the squirrels were probably in the trees above our roof and we were simply mistaken to believe they were in our apartment. Excuse me? Again, I repeat-- this isn't a little bit of scurrying rodent noise, these guys sound like they are 3 feet from our bed. So, after harassing the management staff, and waiting for Terminex for a week, the verdict? We're crazy.

Of course, Gene was not content with this answer, neither was I but what can you do? Gene's response was to put on a headlamp and crawl in to the attic to investigate for himself. For the record I was against this idea as he hasn't had a rabies shot in quite some time. Naturally, he ignored me and I served as a spotter as he attempted to crawl in to the attack. After realizing that he couldn't lift himself up there he just poked his head around for a few minutes and reported no squirrels. Our new theory? They live in the space between our bedroom and our bathroom. I drew the line when Gene suggested hoisting the puppy in to the grate to see what she could find. I think he was kidding, at least I hope so.

So, after all that we still have squirrels. Gene said something about implied warranty of habitability. I just want them to go away or at least have quieter parties so I can go back to enjoying my dishwasher and central air.

P.S. Gene looked absolutely hysterical in his squirrel-seeking attire. He ran away when I brought out the camera, though. Damn.

Football Season NOT Snow Season

It's currently snowing. That's right. It's October 8th and it's snowing. I'm not ready.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Easy Bake Magic

So, when I first met Gene he was obsessed with his toaster oven. I, of course, had never met anyone who relied so heavily on what I stupidly believed to be an outdated piece of technology. He proved me wrong. He cooks everything in this tiny little machine, including salmon and tamales which is really a sight to see. Any-who, after years of overuse his original easy bake was on the verge of crapping out. Much to my delight, and Gene's of course, our friend K saved the day by delivering her unused easy bake this weekend. It is a much fancier version than our old machine and even has a separate "toast" function. In celebration of our new* toy, we made toasted roast beef sandwiches. They were quite delicious. Thanks, K for the great toy. Expect a batch of teeny-tiny brownies in the near future!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Onion Attack

I'm on this new cooking kick. I've long been an admirer of all things food and I am FINALLY inspired to start making it myself. So, last night I decided to make Julia Child's French Onion soup. I learned a couple of valuable lessons from this adventure:
  1. Read the recipe BEFORE you buy all the ingredients. Only after I got home did I realize the cook time was 2 hours. Good to know. We ate a very late dinner.
  2. The puppy is also allergic to onions. After cutting three pounds of big yellow onions I thought she was going to make a run for it off the balcony. She sneezed for a good 30 minutes straight.
  3. I'm extremely anal about following recipes exactly. I can't eyeball anything. If they had a measuring spoon that equaled a "pinch" I would buy it. Is it a big pinch or a little pinch?
  4. This causes kitchen conflict with Gene who scoffs at recipes. He came home and immediately starting throwing things in to my beloved pot of soup. He also objected to my use of fat-free beef stock. They didn't specify the type of stock in the recipe, how was I to know? See above.
  5. The soup tasted much better after Gene tinkered with it. This irritated me immensely.
  6. After it was all said it done it came out pretty good. Even Gene said it was really good, and he normally only likes food that he cooks. I consider this a success.
  7. I'm pretty sure my house is going to smell like onions for a week.
If you would like to try the recipe you can find it here, or just google it. Happy eating!