Friday, November 20, 2009

Night on the Town and Reflections the Morning After

After re-reading the title for today's blog it sounds much more scandalous than it actually was. Sorry, folks. Last night, P, K and I met up for drinks at the Samba Room before heading over to a friend's party celebrating her recent passing of the CO bar. The Samba Room was fantastic, cheap mojitos, good mini-cuban sandwiches, all around deliciousness. I walked out of there (maybe stumbled a little) after 2 mojitos, yes, I'm still a light-weight, and one and a half mini-Cuban sandwiches for right around $20 including tip. Not bad at all. It was great to see P and A, law school friends who had the wedding of a lifetime back in September. Seriously, guys. Why can't you have one every year? And Miss K looked FABULOUS with her new short do and fantastic black dress. I wish I had taken pictures. Next time. Dammit.

Confession: I'm always a little (ok, very) hesitant to attend law school functions or events with a high ratio of law schoolers to non-law folks. It's always a strange and somewhat uncomfortable situation. Ever since I quit CU law after my first year of law school, still the best decision I've probably ever made, it's awkward to be around large amounts of my former classmates. It is, however, entertaining. Inevitably I will be introduced to a significant other, or a CU law student from more recent years, and I'm always amused at how people choose to define me. "Oh, uninterested person, this is Katie. She and I went to law school together until we didn't." Think that's my favorite so far. Most of the time it's not nearly that awkward, and I have gotten better at handling the situation.

Right after I dropped out, quit, moved along, made an alternate life choice, fled, whatever.. I felt it was really important people didn't assume I couldn't hack it at law school. For some reason or another the idea that people would assume I left because I failed out or was forced to move along really bothered me. I'm sure it is the over-achiever in me rearing its ugly head. Truth is I just HATED law school. But I didn't hate law school like one hates going to the doctor. Uncomfortable, but necessary to achieve future health and happiness. Okay, that metaphor was horrendous. The point being I realized that while I could survive law school, doing so would not get me any closer to doing something I actually enjoyed. A lot, if not most, people hate law school. And those who don't, I seriously debate your sanity. That's right, I'm looking at you Hersh. But they do it because they know that it will be worth it in the end. People really do love being lawyers, my mom is a prime example. However, I knew that once I got through the shitastic experience that is law school, that would mean I'd be a Shit.

So, I bucked the system and quit. I had no idea what I wanted to do in my life but I sure as hell knew it wouldn't be law related. While this caused a lot of angst and hardship, thank goodness I bailed. I wouldn't be nearly as happy right now if I had stuck with it. I feel like a completely different person than the 1L I was, and I have no desire to change that.

Anyways, the point of this long tangent is that I've become more comfortable with my choices. Maybe it has to do with the fact that I've been accepted to my new graduate school program and I no longer answer the question, "So, what are you doing now?" With a bunch of awkward sighs and stammers. But, I think most of it has to do with age. I'm come to appreciate that hardships and veering off path is a natural part of life. And the people who have everything in their life planned down to the age at which they will marry, have kids, etc. are bound to be disappointed. There's a really funny magnet at the Tattered Cover that says, "Have you noticed 'What the Hell?!' is always the right decision?" Makes me laugh every time.

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