Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Big Move's a Comin'

Last night it dawned on me that I have approximately 17 days until I head back to Austin. I am not at all prepared. I have a bad habit, since my campaign days, to just wait until the last minute and then fill my car with as much crap as possible. I also tend to not stress out about moving much since I was a nomad for a good 9 months. Gene, on the other hand, does not share my same philosophy towards moving.

Mainly, I just can't believe how fast it's approaching and how quickly are lives are going to change. I have all sorts of worries about things that I can't control, like: What if he hates Austin? What if he can't find a job? But I know at the end of the day that this will be a great adventure and we all need more excitement in our lives. I guess I'm putting off planning the move part in order to avoid all the anxiety associated with it.

So, maybe today I will put on my big girl panties and clean out my car. This, according to Gene, is step one in the preparation for the big move. Then we can have a better idea of what we can keep and what we will throw out or sell on craigslist. Mind you, my car is about the size of a golf cart so we won't be taking much stuff with us. Mostly my clothes; that's all I brought to Colorado and pretty much all I'm taking back. I can't believe it's been a year and a half since I arrived back in Boulder. Crazy. I'm becoming one of those annoying people that says, "Can you believe it's already been a year? Seems like just yesterday.."

All in all I'm really excited about moving to Austin. I will start grad school and move back to my beloved condo. I'm really excited about going back to school for something I love and the opportunity to meet new people. And, I think I've mentioned this before, but I'm really excited about the football. Really excited. I will, of course, miss my friends back here, Robbie's family, and four distinct seasons. Austin really only has 2 (summer and fallintering (fall, winter, and spring all rolled in to a couple of short months).

Well, it's going to be an eventful couple of months! I'm looking forward to the new changes. I think.. :-)

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