Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Testing, One, Two, Three..

Hello, out there-
This is my first time blogging. After reading all of my friends' wonderful musings I decided it might be a great way to keep in touch with family and friends. So, here goes nothing. A few things about me to get this thing kicked off:

1) I hate the word "pop."
2) I have the most charming dog on the planet. You can try and argue, but once you meet her you will understand.
3) I am originally from Austin, but due to a crazy set of circumstances I am currently living in Denver.
4) After three years of living in Colorado I am still surprised that school/work doesn't close when it snows.
5) When I moved to CO the only shoes I owned were some variant of "flip-flop."
6) I often read the end of the book first to find out who lives or dies.
7) I eat a ridiculous amount of Mexican food.
8) I am obsessed with UT football.
9) The only crime I've ever committed (besides speeding) occurred when I bribed a gate official to let me in to the Texas/OU game. Totally worth it.
10) I love food and I don't understand picky eaters.
11) My Texas grandmother used to tell everyone that I would try any food once. This is true to this day and I take great pride in it.
12) I think a good sense of humor can get you through most things in life.
13) A glass of wine can fix almost any problem.

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